Try this and watch your small business take off!

Try this and watch your small business take off!

Running a small business is an exhilarating journey! From the initial “a-ha” moment you may have had for what you dreamed of creating a business around, to the endless ups and downs that come along with being a small business owner, it's safe to say that the adventure is far from boring. As an entrepreneur myself, ’ve experienced this firsthand, and know that while the journey is beautiful and invigorating, it can also be confusing and depleting. 

I want to ask you a vulnerable question: when it comes to creating products and services that your customers want, does it ever feel like throwing darts at a wall? 

This is how I often felt in my earlier days of entrepreneurship…and I’m NOT very good at darts. Amongst the hustle and bustle of actually running my business, thinking about strategic ways to better understand exactly what it was that my customer was wanting felt VERY out of reach. Better yet, I was out of time for allocating the appropriate energy to this type of effort. 

Like many business owners, I went on assuming I knew what my customers wanted. The good news is that I had a very good idea of who my customer is, so I wasn’t totally missing the ball when it came to designing jewelry or offering interior consulting services that met their needs. 

But here’s the thing about truly understanding what our customers want on a deeper level: if we’re not specifically asking them, we’re likely leaving a lot on the table. 

Our customers are the most powerful tool we have at our disposal! 

Understanding their needs, preferences, and desires can unlock incredible potential for your business to thrive…and inspire you to create in ways you might have not otherwise considered! So let’s explore a little more about how listening to your customer base and actively seeking their feedback can catapult your small business to new heights.

Now, I’ve got some news worth celebrating for all of us who own small businesses in 2023 and beyond. The internet – and most importantly social media – is at an all-time high. Wondering what this means for you/this topic? Well, it simply means this: you have DIRECT access to your past, current, and future customers…at the tip of your fingers! This ability to connect with your customer base is unparalleled to anything experienced by previous generations of business owners, and while social media can be overwhelming, it is also an incredible gift. 

One of my favorite ways to engage with customers and find out what they like, don’t like, want more of, want less of, etc is through Instagram polls! Seriously - Instagram polls offer a ridiculously easy way to interact with and gather valuable real-time feedback. You can ask questions about product preferences, gather opinions on potential new offerings you’re considering, or even get creative with fun polls related to your industry!

I personally love doing “this or that” polls where I will post a series of two photos showcasing two different design options, and having followers choose which one they prefer. It lets me know where their minds are in regard to current design trends! I’ve also found this beneficial in other areas of my business like types of workshops people would be interested in, different styles of jewelry I’m dreaming about creating, and more! 

By encouraging your followers to participate, you tap into the collective wisdom of your customer base, gaining invaluable insights into their desires and preferences.

Another great way to engage with your customer base is through email surveys. While this might sound a little old school to some, offering an incentive like entry into a product giveaway in exchange for participating in your survey is a great way to motivate your audience to engage! Google Forms make creating surveys super easy and customizable, and they allow you to ask very specific questions to participants. 

There are a plethora of ways to engage with your customers to receive their feedback and friend, their responses hold the keys to watching your business take off like never before! 

Do you currently have a strategy for connecting with your customers? I love learning about new methods for this, so will you let me know in the comments, below?
Speaking of watching your business take off – Did you know that my exclusive course, How to Wholesale is now available!?  In this 8-week intensive, you’ll learn everything you need to know about wholesale – from how to price your products for profit to how to streamline your productivity and prepare your sales pitch for buyers. CLICK HERE to learn more!


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