Watch Your Small Business Explode in 2023

Watch Your Small Business Explode in 2023


Everyone’s talking about it. 

2022 is gone and a brand new year is upon us. And for most of us, a brand new year = brand new OPPORTUNITY.


Buuuut, regardless of whether or not we get the sparkly jitters thinking about all that 2023 can hold, it can be REALLY easy (and sometimes unconscious) to slip into the same old rhythms that we had last year. Maybe even patterns from years before that!


You see, the idea of new possibilities is attractive. It’s exciting. It feels within reach to achieve everything we’re dreaming about when our Instagram feeds are filled with New Year inspo. 

But here’s the less fancy, but oh-so-true reality: REAL change requires REAL focus and intentionality. 


Maybe your business had a lot of success last year. Or maybe it was on the struggle bus and you ended 2022 wondering how you even survived. Whether you’re flying high or barely scraping by, there are specific things you can implement this year to help your business explode in 2023. 


By the way, these are all proven tactics. I have spent decades of my life learning the ins and outs of small business operations - including everything from production, to marketing, to evolving as a brand. I KNOW how overwhelming it can feel. But I can almost guarantee you that if you choose to dial in and get laser-focused on one (or a few) key things, your business will explode in 2023!


At the end of the day, a new year presents an inviation to try new things- right? So whether you’ve started dipping your toe in the water of new endeavors or you’re on the edge of fear when it comes to trying something new, I hope these tips help your business experience true joy and success in the new year and beyond.


If you’re ready to watch your small business explode in 2023…


  • CONSIDER SELLING WHOLESALE! I know…you’ve heard me talk about this time and time again…and that’s because I really believe in it! Not only did making this decision change the game for MY business, I have also watched so many of my clients/students totally thrive after deciding to do it, too. If you’re not sure where to get started OR if selling wholesale is right for your business, check out my other blog posts: 

  • COLLABORATE WITH OTHER MAKERS! There is never a wrong time to reach out and collaborate with other makers/small businesses. Magic happens when special businesses join forces, and there are a lot of benefits like new exposure, new friendships, new ideas, new customers, new opportunities…the list goes on! So take a big sip of your vanilla latte and send a few Instagram messages to other brands you admire. Flattery is a great first step! And chances are, they’ll be amped to work with you as well. PS - there are soo many ways to collaborate like giveaways, pop-ups, joint product launches, and more! If you’re looking for more specific ideas, send me a message! 

  • PLAN AND EXECUTE CONSISTENT CONTENT! In case you missed it, here’s a link to last month’s blog post where I shared the importance of content creation! While this can certainly include your social media platforms, it also (and arguably more importantly) includes things like emails (stay top of mind with your audience), blogs (present yourself as an expert in your craft and optimize SEO), and more. The best part about planning content is well, that you have a PLAN! You can get ahead, schedule everything in advance, and let it roll. Because let’s be honest, you have a LOT of other things that likely need your attention! 


I also want to include a bonus tip, or proposition if you will, that I have personally been thinking about a lot lately. 


What if 2023 was the year that you really showed up as YOU? 


What if you interacted more with your followers/customers?

What if you showed your face a bit more? 

What if you really owned your unique flair and style?

What if you put energy into whatever it is that gives you energy? 

…and what if you shifted away from being/doing what you think others expect, and towards exactly who you were created to be?


If there’s anything I’m most passionate about - both in small business and life in general - it is that we ALL have a unique set of gifts and creativity that the world needs


It can be tempting to get distracted by all of the other good ideas and fun twists on things out there. But this year, I encourage you to implement one (or all!) of the tips above…and then combine it with showing up as the truest YOU! 


If you do, I bet you’ll look back one year from now and be mind blown by the awesome things that have happened. 


Like these ideas but not sure where to start? 

In 2023, I have opened up NEW spots in my 1/1 mentorship program…and one of them has your name on it! Click here to book a call with me to learn more. Can’t wait!


How to Understand YOUR Unique Style


Lucy Loves: Textures and Journals