WANDER > HOME : Reflect + Refocus

As we bravely journey through the final days of 2023, it’s nearly impossible for me not to feel an immense sense of gratitude for all that has transpired over the past year. It should go without saying, however, that it hasn’t been without challenges or moments of tribulation. In fact, there has been heartbreak and devastation even in the past few weeks…all of which, at the end of the day, remind me to be thankful for every moment - every breath - every day.

This time of year always seems like a conundrum - society tells us to speed up - get the shopping done, go to all of the holiday parties, bake 1,000 cookies, and the list goes on. 

Yet our hearts tell us to slow down - be present with our families. Take in the sights, smells, sounds, and tastes of this joyous season. 

While the first is tempting, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t fall into some of the busyness, my choice this year (and hopefully in years to come) is to find a groundedness throughout the holidays that allows me to 1) reflect on the days before and 2) refocus for the days ahead. 

One particular way I have enjoyed doing this is specifically related to travel (aka wandering)...and that is what I want to share with you today.

You see, the whole purpose of this series WANDER > HOME is to remind us all of the pure magic and enlightenment that exists when we step out of our comfort zones and into the different places across our magnificent planet. 

There’s no better time of year to reflect and refocus on where we’ve been AND where we’re heading than at the end of one year and start to the next. 

Beginning in January 2024, this series will transform into a travel diary of sorts, where I invite you to wander with me to the various destinations - some near, some far - where I have had the chance to explore. 

But for today, I want to invite you into the process of REFLECTING & REFOCUSING, specifically in regard to travel.

And before we dive in, please be reminded that wandering can be as close by as a trip to a local park, or as far as a trip to Northern Italy (spoiler alert, this is January’s blog destination). The purpose is not so much about where you wander, but how.

Consider this blog an invitation to relive some of your greatest adventures in 2023, and to anticipate the beauty that 2024 is sure to hold. In the next two sections, I’ll guide you through the process of reflecting and refocusing. So go grab your favorite journal, cozy up in your favorite spot, and let’s get started!

Reflect on 2023

Reflection can be a funny thing because without prompting, we often miss many of the magical things that occurred in our lives. Let’s be honest, sometimes it’s hard to remember what we had for breakfast yesterday - much less what we had to eat on our trip to Canada last January! For this reason, I’d like to invite you to pull out your phone, open your photos app, and scroll allllllllll the way back to January 2023. Spend time scrolling through and noticing the different places you’ve gone. Journal and/or think about…

  • What are the destinations you explored? (again, this could literally just be your backyard!)

  • What comes up in your mind when you journey back to that place?

  • What did you eat? See?

  • Is there anything you brought home? 

  • What did the experience teach you?

As humans, it is healthy for us to process feelings and emotions - positive memories, and memories that dig up some stranger things as well. In my experience, reflecting on different places we’ve had the chance to explore is a chance to revisit specific moments that formed our year into what it turned out to be. Alas, it leaves me in a state of gratitude - for all that I’ve seen and experienced throughout the months.

Refocus for 2024 

While reflection is a wonderful way to practice groundedness and gratitude, refocusing on the year ahead is a great way to set your intention for all you want to see in the new year. Because the thing is, the places we DREAM of wandering to are much more likely to actually become trips on our calendar when we write them down! Journal/write down the following…

  • Where do I want to go in 2024? Make the list as long as you would like! 

  • Break the destinations down (realistically) into each quarter of the year. For example, if you know a trip to Hawaii is going to take more planning and budgeting, maybe it’s best to plan for Q3 or Q4! 

  • What stands out to you about each destination, and what do you want to experience on your journey there? Who will go with you? 

  • What is a place you could take a solo retreat to (even if just for one day)?

In closing, I hope you’ll take the time to slow your roll this first few weeks of the new year and dream about all you have seen, and all you WILL see in the days ahead. Life tends to move at superspeed these days, but it’s our choice and our opportunity to use travel as tool to slow down and be present. 

What was the best place you wandered to in 2023? Where are you most excited to see in 2024? Let me know on Instagram @lucysinspired or hit reply!


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