LUCY LOVES: How Telling Your Story Grows Your Business 

LUCY LOVES: How Telling Your Story Grows Your Business 

Plus 3 Brands that Do It Well 


Take a moment to consider your favorite brands, people, companies, or really your favorite things in any sense of the word. If you came up with a list of 5-10 of them, I’d dare to guess that at least a few of them made the list because you feel drawn to the story of why they exist. 


Whether it’s a nonprofit organization selling products that give back to a community you care about or a company that employs women in underdeveloped countries, giving them incredible working conditions - we, as humans, are naturally drawn to story and feeling a part of things/people that matter. 


In this month’s LUCY LOVES, I’m sharing THREE brands that do a fantastic job of sharing their story and why they exist…and they do so in ways you might not imagine! They’re some of my favorite things, people, and places, and I hope they inspire you! 


  1. My favorite thing about JEANNE OLIVER is that she gives everyone permission to create. She has a beautiful way of sharing the story of her life and her purpose by inviting others into her home, her landscape, her heart, and more. If you’re able to attend one of her in-person workshops, you’ll see exactly what I mean. Being at her home is a true picture of hospitality - and you’ll feel like you’re at a 5-star resort! I love how Jeanne Oliver gives everyone permission to create. Jeanne opens her door - both literally and figuratively to anyone, and shares her heart by encouraging others to create - no matter who you are. Her life truly is her story, and I feel so thankful to know her and be inspired by her! (PS - Jeanne also offers a variety of online courses - click here to check them out! And spoiler alert - stay tuned for a very special announcement coming soon)! 

  2. Shoutout to all my HGTV fans out there, and if you’re someone who even watches HGTV on an occasional basis, you likely share a love for the one and only Brian Patrick Flynn (Urban Oasis). I am proud to call Brian friend and am regularly inspired by how he shares story through every single unique design he creates. If you’re looking for a palette of neutrals and darks, look the other way. Because Brian’s mood board is filled with explosive colors, patterns, and textures that he magically layers together, leaving you feel wrapped up in a blanket of inspiration. Brian is a perfect picture of using your gift to invite others into a story. And if that’s wasn’t already remarkable enough, he always finds a local artist that he can promote and put on display in the designs he creates. What a special human. Oh and by the way, you can enter for a chance to WIN the most recent HGTV Urban Oasis Dream Home in Nashville, designed by Brian himself! Click here to enter! (Insider Tip: the last 5 winners all entered every day. So start now - it’s not too late!)

  3. Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved the hobby of “pickin’” - known to me more as discovering treasures in the least expected places. Vintage Pickin’ is a bi-annual event that happens in small town Fort Payne, Alabama, and it’s one of my favorite places in the world. This unique event brings together the cream of the crop when it comes to vendors of antiques, textiles, one-of-a-kind art, odd trinkets, and all kinds of wonderful treasures. You see, Vintage Pickin’ not only invites so many incredible people together to share their own story, but it also equips me to tell my story through using the treasures I procure in the design of my home. And to take it even further, there are endless stories wrapped up in every single item you see at this event. Stories of hard work and beauty. If you ever make it to Vintage Pickin’, be sure to stop by my fave booths like JBS Mercantile, The Cotton Shed, and Small.Town.Junk. - all who have incredible stories of their own! 


Remember, brands aren’t just companies that sell products! They’re not just a logo on a coffee cup or a sticker you see on the back of someone’s MacBook. Your favorite singer = a brand. Your favorite destination = a brand. The way an artist creates = a brand. YOU = a brand. Be courageous in sharing your story in whatever way feels most natural to you, because you matter…and there’s no telling who you’ll inspire! 


Want to learn more about how to effectively share your story? 

Click here to watch the replay of my most recent Masterclass!


There’s nothing I love more than connecting with incredible people just like you. 

CLICK HERE to book your FREE 30 min call with me! I’ll share insights + help answer any questions you have. Can’t wait to meet you soon! 

XO, Lucy 


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