5 Reasons to Plan Your social Media



it’s time to start planning your social media content. we can no longer afford to just post in real-time. having a plan will give you a way to cut out time and energy when posting on social media. I like to use later.com for my planning app. you can plan on your phone and computer. they have a free account for one user. there are many planning apps out there and when you find the one that works best for you, it’s a lifesaver!

  1. 1. A plan gives you an overview of your feed.
    when in a planning app, you will be able to see how your feed will look on Instagram giving you the ability to see if you like the color combination, where the posts land after posted and helps you stay within your brand message.

  2. 2. A plan gives you the opportunity to make changes as they come in.
    one of my favorite things about using later is that it gives me the opportunity to move things around in the app to make sure I like the way it is going to look in my feed. I also love the fact that if something comes up that I want to add in, I can do that and have a visual of what my feed will look like after.

  3. 3. A plan allows you to be authentic with your posts.
    taking the time to plan will give you the opportunity to tell the story behind your business. it’s called social media because you need to be social!! engage your followers with stories, questions about themselves, and allow them to give their opinion!

  4. 4. A plan gives you more time to work on your business.
    when you batch your social media posts, whether it’s once a week or once a month, you’ll get it all done in a few hours and then not have to think about it again until it’s time to plan again! this is my favorite part. ;)

  5. 5. A plan makes your life so much easier! by planning your social media posts you will be able to focus on the parts of your business that are fun and the why of your business. when you are focusing on your “why”, your business will thrive and this will make your life easier!


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